Dirty K Rend in Portishead?

Do you have a K Rend coated house in Portishead, Bristol? No doubt you have noticed your fresh, once new K Rend is looking a little tired and dirty. We come across a lot of Dirty K Rend in Portishead. Home owners often think about painting K Rend, but many companies would say that painting K Rend is not best practice,


Did you know that your K Rend can be cleaned?

We offer a low pressure cleaning service for K Rend in Portishead, and have been offering this service for a few years now. Our methods of cleaning include a low pressure approach to K Rend Cleaning in Portishead . By applying a chemical to the surface under extremely low pressure we are able to kill the algae growth, lichen and moss on the surfaces. Also, we steam clean K Rend to leave your property looking as new.

dirty k rend in portishead
dirty k rend in portishead

Portishead has a lot of properties with K Rend or other types of through coloured renders such as monocouche render and Weber render. Due to this fact, it is likely that people will will wonder how to clean monocouche render or K Rend. As a results some may search for “render cleaning Bristol” and ate not to clean the surfaces themselves. Unfortunately, cleaning K Rend surfaces is not as easy as a quick pass with a pressure washer.

Can K Render be cleaned?

Yes it can. But it is very important to use the correct methods and equipment. K Rend (K Render) is affected by biological growth on the surfaces. Therefore, the first step should be to kill the algae growth, lichens and moss growing on the K Rend. Once this has been carried out it is likely that a light steam clean will be needed. This will achieve the best results and leave you render looking great again.



Render must not be pressure washed! Especially using a pencil tip, turbo, or a small pressure washer at close proximity to the render. This is usually the DIYers first attempt at render cleaning. However, using this method will etch the surface leaving permanent damage to your property.


So what should you do if you are looking for render cleaning in Portishead?

If you have Dirty K Rend in Portishead get in touch with us at Leeksons Exterior Cleaning. We have cleaned hundreds of rendered properties in the Bristol and South Wales area. Also, we use the very best equipment for the job, the best chemicals available and have the experience needed to treat your property. 


Why should you choose Leeksons for your render cleaning in Portishead?

  • We hold 15 years experience in exterior cleaning (10 years in render cleaning)
  • Fully insured
  • Many references and examples of our work available.
  • We use the best equipment in render cleaning and the best chemicals available.
  • Low pressure cleaning to protect your property
  • We sanitise the render, killing biological growth preventing the regrowth for much longer.
  • Our chemical clean will keep your render cleaner for 5 times longer than just steam cleaning.
  • Family run business 
dirty k rend in portishead
dirty k rend in portishead