Are you looking for a Render cleaning Company?
K Rend is very popular in many locations throughout the UK. Especially in new developments. Both domestic and business properties are coated through coloured render such as K Rend. Other types of render are Sto, Weber, Monocouhce and Parex. The the staining found on Rendered properties are very similar. When new, through coloured render gives a fresh looking finish to the area…. unfortunately, this doesn’t last! If you are looking for Render cleaning then the information on this page should be useful to you. Render Cleaning should be carried out by render cleaning specialists.
Does your render now look tired and grubby?
Dirt, mold, lichen algae and mildew will grow on the surfaces of your property. If left untreated this can cause sever damage to the K Rend. This means your once fresh, bright render will start to change in appearance. Algae growth will often start with a faint green tinge. This will develop onto a grey or black look to your property as black algae, mold and mildew grow on the surface and spreads across the building. Wind-bourne algae will look like the property is bleeding as red streaks will on K Rend. This will increase and look worse over time leaving your property look unloved and uncared for. This red algae can often be mistaken for rust stains, but the majority of the time the red streaks are algae growth.
Are you looking for Render Cleaning Prices?
The price of cleaning will vary according the the level of algae, lichen, moss and mold growth. Also, access issues can change the price of the render cleaning. Cleaning costs can also can change throughout the UK.
What methods can be used for softwash render cleaning?
Render should be cleaned using a k render cleaning solution that will kill the biological growth while carrying out the cleaning. Render Cleaning with Bleach is also used to carry out the cleaning and which can lead to very good results. However, it is vital that an experienced contractor use this method as there are health risks involved.
Whether you are looking for Render Cleaning in Bristol, render cleaning in Cumbira or render cleaning anywhere in the UK get in touch today for your free quote.

Would you like a quote for Cleaning your render?
Get in touch by contacting us on the contact form, send us an email or give us a call. We will arrange for a full written quotation to be emailed to you outlining all items we identify have a need to be cleaned and treated. Also, we can provide examples of our work for K Rend Cleaning . So when you are looking for render cleaning get in touch and we will transform your property to the bright, fresh property it once was.